Sunday, December 30, 2007

Efficiency Isn't Efficient When It Comes To Fat Loss

As you may know, our bodies adapt to the tasks we regularly perform, whether it's a physically strenuous job or weightlifting- which is why it's important to change your strength training routine every 4-6 weeks for best results. Adaptation also occurs when you perform steady state aerobic exercise. As you continue to exercise regularly, your body becomes more efficient and uses fewer and fewer calories to complete your normal routine. With strength training, you can increase your weights as your body adapts but with aerobic exercise your only options are to go longer, faster, or harder to get the same results. And then, your body adapts again.

Even if you regularly try to increase your speed or resistance, you will eventually get to the point where that is no longer possible. Think about it; whether walking, biking, rowing, etc., after a while most people will reach their limit as to the intensity they can maintain throughout their workout. Then, their only option is to increase their time but there’s only so many hours in the day and who has the time or desire to spend hours exercising?

Two other disadvantages associated with steady state cardiovascular training are overuse injuries and muscle loss. Did you know that, unless coupled with weight training, regular, steady state training often causes loss of muscle? Muscle is the fat burning engine of the body and the importance of maintaining and building muscle in regards to weight management is too often overlooked.

If you’re happy with your current results then keep doing what you're doing; it's obviously working for you. If your want to exercise for less time and get better results, give cardio intervals a try.


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