Monday, May 5, 2008

How to Burn Belly Fat Fast In Time For Summer

If you still have ugly belly fat and flabby trouble spots that you need to firm up before summer, then this is the most important post you're going to read all year.

Another winter has flown by, and lots of men and women are unhappy with the progress they've been making in their fat burning programs. And yet summer is only weeks away!

Everyone wants to know the fastest way to...

1) Burn belly fat fast, permanently
2) Get rid of the flab covering their arms and thighs
3) Flatten their abs
4) Fit into the smaller clothes and swimsuits they bought last year
5) And get this all done in only a couple of hours per week

Part of the problem is that people don't have a good system to follow and they don't have 90 minutes to spend at the gym each day, like most magazine workouts require.

But there is a way to lose belly fat and fit back into your old swimsuit, and it doesn't require you to even go to a gym at all.

I've told you before about Craig Ballantyne and his Turbulence Training program. It will help you lose as much fat as fast as humanly possible with simple workouts that can easily be done in the comfort of your own home, without endless hours of BORING cardio, fancy equipment or expensive supplements.

Craig and his fast fat burning workouts have been recommended by Men's Health magazine, Oxygen magazine, and even by Jillian Michaels, the Personal Trainer from the Biggest Loser TV Show...

Not only is Craig one of the top experts on short fat loss workouts, and a celebrity trainer featured on the Men's Health website, but it's also his BIRTHDAY this month.

To celebrate he's giving away an outrageous amount of fat burning bonus workouts and meal plans to help you lose your belly fat and fit into smaller clothes before swimsuit season.

C'mon, don't you deserve better results than what you've been getting with slow cardio workouts?

Craig's Turbulence Training workouts have helped tens of thousands of men and women escape the prison of long workouts and the shackles of unwanted, ugly body fat.

For years, Craig worked with men and women who had tried everything, including 90-minute workouts everyday and in some cases up to SEVEN hours of cardio per week, only to be left in frustration and near tears because these workouts just weren't burning fat.

But Craig knew there was a better way.

So he packaged his years of research and over 11 years of hands-on training experience into Turbulence Training, a routine that you can do at home, in only 45 minutes, 3 times per week, giving you more time to live life and spend with your family and friends.

And as I said earlier, Craig turns 33 this month, but he's the one giving away the gifts. In fact, he's giving us over $537 of fat burning workout bonuses and meal plans to help every busy man and woman burn belly fat fast.

But these 10 bonuses will only be available for the next THREE days.

After Wednesday, May 7th, at 11:59pm, you won't be able to get all of these bonuses together again.

(That's no B.S.; those of you who missed out on previous bonuses know it's the truth.)

Now, unless this is your first visit to No Pink Dumbbells, you've probably seen me praising Turbulence Training workouts before. In fact, I use them and I love them. They are so fast and let me exercise at home if I need to. Plus, compared to the results of long, slow boring cardio workouts, Turbulence Training wins hands down.

In fact, the 1st-ever Turbulence Training Transformation Contest just finished, where the Grand Prize winner of $2000 lost 15.5 pounds of fat and 4 inches of her belly fat in only 12 weeks - and she didn't do long cardio workouts!

Plus, the second place finisher lost over 33 pounds of fat and 7.5 inches from his gut in only 84 days. Again, all without cardio.

And there were dozens of other success stories. In fact, it was so successful that there's another Turbulence Training Transformation Contest going on right now, and you can join to win up to $2000 just by losing your belly fat and changing your body.

It's a "lose to win-win" situation. All you need to do is get started with the Turbulence Training workouts today.

And I truly believe that the Turbulence Training workouts are the most efficient and effective fat burning programs available.

After all, if these workouts weren't the best, would the biggest fitness magazine in the world, Men's Health, feature Turbulence Training workouts on the Men's Health website?

Of course not, they have too much to lose. It's also no surprise to me that Jillian Michaels recommended Craig Ballantyne and Turbulence Training to the listeners of her radio show this past January.

(You can hear what she had to say when you visit Craig's site.)

With Turbulence Training, you have nothing to lose (except for fat!) and everything to gain (including more time for yourself, rather than spending hours exercising.

Not only are the Turbulence Training workouts proven by both research and experience, but you also have a hundred percent satisfaction guarantee that you'll love the workouts. Or just return the program for your money back.

Now let me tell you more about the Turbulence Training workouts.

First of all, they can easily be done at home with a bench, an exercise ball, and dumbbells (plus, a chin-up bar is also helpful if you are strong enough for bodyweight rows, chinups, and pullups).

Second, Turbulence Training features dozens of bodyweight-only exercises to burn your belly fat.

Third, thousands of men AND women (yes, women too!) have used the Turbulence Training workouts to burn fat in a very short amount of time and without long, slow boring cardio.

Craig has PROVEN time and time-again that you don't need to be at the gym every day for 90 minutes.

In fact, the Turbulence Training workouts will only take 45 minutes, three days per week, and you can do everything at home or at the gym.

TurbulenceTraining is as straight-forward as any fat loss program could be. You'll get the workouts done fast, avoiding useless exercises or any waiting around twiddling your thumbs.

Craig has cut the fluff so that you are using ONLY the best exercises that give the most results in the least amount of time.

That's why you burn more fat in less workout time. It's perfect!

If you've ever struggled to figure out what to do for your fat loss program, then worry no more. Turbulence Training spells it out, workout by workout, exercise by exercise, set by set, and rep by rep, for a full 16-weeks of advanced fat loss workouts.

Turbulence Training also includes 10 weeks of workouts for the absolute beginner to help any newcomer, no matter what your situation, get started on the best fat loss plan.

Remember, Craig has used this program with hundreds of clients in person, including many men and women who were beginning their fat loss journey at over 200 or even 300 pounds. It worked for them and it will work for you.

Craig's program also gives you dozens of weeks of bonus workouts that help you take your lean body to the next level of definition.

(Not too mention all the cool new ab workout bonuses and the fat blasting Kettlebell workout you can get in the Birthday Bonuses available until Wednesday night.)

So while your New Year's resolutions might have fizzled out long ago, and you didn't lose the holiday pounds like you thought you would, you still have time to make dramatic changes in your body before beach season officially starts next month.

You owe it to yourself to get Turbulence Training because you deserve a program that gets you results fast, not a program that makes you spend an hour on the treadmill each day while summer passes you by...You don't need to live in the gym to look great!

With all of the beginner workouts, regular TT bonuses, 16-weeks of advanced fat loss workouts, AND these 10 limited-time bonuses, you will have all the info you need to burn fat fast - and permanently.

The body you've wanted for so long can be yours, and in less time than you've ever thought necessary.

Get ready to experience a new body thanks to all the inches you'll lose, the pounds you'll shed, and the energy you'll gain in the next few days with the Turbulence Training fat loss program.

So let's get back to Craig's Birthday Celebration Giveaway, and the gifts that he's offering up for you...

Craig's put together the ultimate Turbulence Training package that contains not only the regular beginner and advanced workouts (and regular bonuses), but also an extra 10 new "Birthday Celebration" bonuses that are available only for the next three days, including:

1) Meal Plans for Men & Women by Dr. Chris Mohr and Jayson Hunter (Value $97)

If you're fed up trying to design a diet plan on your own, and not knowing how to eat within your "calorie recommendations", Dr. Chris Mohr's meal plans will show you EXACTLY what to eat at every meal. This "done for you" process will help you burn body fat with easy, delicious, healthy meal plans.

2) Bikini Ready Abs by Holly Rigsby (Value $29.95)

Holly is America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Mom's, so she knows the value of giving you a fast belly-flattening workout. Her clients can't afford to spend hours in a gym or even 60-minutes watching an exercise video, so she's become an expert in giving busy women fast ab exercise secrets.

3) 10-Minute Trouble Spot Workout for Women by Joey Atlas (Value = $27)

Joey Atlas is the expert on the classic female trouble spots of buns, hips, and thighs. With this 10-minute lower body makeover, you'll have the perfect legs for swimsuit season.

4) The Abdominal Exercise Index (Value = $77)

You'll get beginner, intermediate, and advanced ab exercises from top-secret personal trainers to help you get the 6-packs abs you need for summer. It's core strength training done the right way and features many exercises you've never seen before.

5) Kettlebell Fat Burning Workout Unleashed by Troy Anderson (Value = $47)

The Russian Kettlebell Fat Burning Secret has finally come to the Turbulence Training system. Put together, these two PROVEN methods of fat burning will help you unleash your abs, define your arms, and lean out your legs for your best body ever.

6) Home Gym Muscle Building Workout by Jay Ferruggia (Value = $79.95)

Jay Ferruggia is Craig's go-to strength coach; Craig recently used one of Jason's program when he wanted to improve his own muscle building workouts. So he begged Jay - who is very secretive - to give this program to you...but only for 3 days. After that, Jay said, "Take it down or else!"

7) The Big 5 Fat Loss Turbulence Training Circuit Workout by Craig Ballantyne (Value $19.95)

Craig's latest fat burning program for men and women who love fast fat-burning circuit workouts. You'll learn the top 5 movements for fat loss and why each total-body belly fat burning program must have these exercises if you want to sculpt your best body ever.

8] TT for Amazing Lower Abs by Craig Ballantyne (Value = $19.95)

The ultimate belly-fat burning workout from the Turbulence Training files to help you eliminate that pesky lower belly fat while working your lower abs at the same time. Yes, you can work your lower abs and flatten your lower belly for good.

9) The Turbulence Training Hard-core Fat Loss 4-Week Program by Craig Ballantyne (Value $19.99)

Vaporize stubborn fat with this 4-week Advanced Fat Loss program. This hard-to-the-core Turbulence Training program will help you lose fat and build muscle at the same time, and will help even the leanest men and women break through annoying fat loss plateaus.

10) A 6-Month Basic Level Membership to the Turbulence Training Discussion Forums & Other Exclusive Fat Loss Info (Value $119.70)

Have your #1 fat loss questions answered by Men's Health magazine expert, Craig Ballantyne. You'll also learn insider secrets from other Turbulence Training success stories, and benefit from the #1 factor overlooked in fat loss programs today, "the power of Social Support" - it really is the secret to your success.

But this entire package is only available for less than 72 hours. On Wednesday, May 7th, at 11:59pm, the 10 new bonuses will disappear from the offer, quite possibly never to be given away again.

If you don't pick-up this incredible collection of fat loss bonuses today, you'll kick yourself for missing out. This is the kind of information that can take you from a fat loss plateau to a brand new body in just days.

And don't forget to meet the winners of the 1st-ever Turbulence Training Transformation Contest on Craig's website, including...

"Emily Johnson Who Fit Back Into Her Skinny Jeans by Losing 15.5 Pounds, 5.3% Body Fat, 2 Inches from Her Waist, and 4 Inches of Belly Fat"

"Steve Hays Who Reversed the Aging Process...By Losing 33.4 Pounds of Fat and 7.5 Inches From His Gut in Just 12 Weeks"

"Kristine Willis Who Looks 10 Years Younger...Thanks to Losing 4 Inches from Her Waist While Burning 16 Pounds of Fat"

"Adam Harper Who Shed His Former Skinny-Fat Guy Body and Lost 15.5 Pounds and 8% Body Fat in Only 12 Weeks"

Success breeds success. If you start now, you'll be burning fat and changing your body almost immediately, and that will give you the complete motivation and inspiration you need to keep at it week after week. After all, you have no time to waste to get your body ready in time for swimsuit season.

If you are sick and tired of spending hours upon hours exercising, doing ineffective workouts and getting next to no results, then use Turbulence Training to cut back on your workout time, boost your metabolism (so you burn calories and fat ALL day and night), and help you lose inches to fit back into your old clothes.

This is the year you are going to "take back the beach"! No more hiding behind oversized t-shirts, no more sitting in the shade wearing extra clothes. And no more spending all the nice weather inside on a treadmill.

Use the Turbulence Training workouts and the fantastic nutrition bonuses to change your body once and for all.

Remember, like Men's Health magazine, I only recommend the absolute best fat loss resources that I come. And today, that's the Turbulence Training bonus package.

Simply go right here to get started:



P.S. Hurry, you only have until Wednesday, May 7th, at 11:59 pm to claim your TEN limited-time bonuses.

And remember, you get everything in the Turbulence Training package (including a 60-minute audio interview, the Turbulence Training Nutrition Guidelines, and all the regular bonuses), PLUS the 10 additional bonus reports mentioned above.

P.P.S. Try Turbulence Training for 8 weeks. If you aren't thrilled with the decreased workout time, increased fat loss, and enhanced energy from the Turbulence Training system, just let Craig know and you'll get your money back.

Turbulence Training has already been trusted by the biggest fitness magazines in the world (Men's Health & Shape), and I guarantee it will work for you too!

Read what Adam Campbell, Sports & Nutrition Editor for Men's Health has to say about TT:

"Turbulence Training is a proven way to melt fat fast, while protecting your hard-earned muscle. I'm so confident in its effectiveness that, over the years, I've recommended it to literally millions of readers. And the fantastic feedback I've received from readers all over the world as a result ensures you'll be seeing a lot more of CB's programs in the magazine."

Simply go right here to get started:


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