Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Try It, You'll Like It

I strongly believe that if you're serious about getting results from your exercise routine, you need a solid plan. Cobbling together a training program from magazine articles and exercises you did in high school or college is not the way to fast, efficient workouts.

I've written often about Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training program for those who don't have access to Body & Soul and me. I actually use TT and I now base the programs I design on Craig's training principles. Not only does it work but I also recommend Turbulence Training because it's easy to follow. There are some great fat loss programs out there but some of them are overly complicated for the average Joe or Josie.

However, as worthwhile as I know Craig's program is, I understand the reluctance of some of you to buy products sight unseen over the internet (even with a money-back guarantee). If you're one of those people, I have a great deal for you.

Craig just started offering a 21-day trial of Turbulence Training for just $4.95. You get to read through all the info, visit the private TT forums with questions or for support from Craig and other TT members and try the workouts for 3 weeks. If you don't like the program, just let Craig know and he'll refund your money. Only at the end of your 21-day trial, after you've had time to use the workouts, will you be billed for the remaining $35.00 (if you haven't requested a refund).

There's no longer an excuse. For less than an automated car wash, a meal at a fast food joint or fancy drink at Starbucks, you can try out this great fat burning system. Check out all the details here.

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