Monday, July 21, 2008

The No-Crunch Ab Program

You know that I think that people waste far too much time doing cruches in an attempt to whittle their midsection. First of all, proper nutrition is the number one key to six-pack abs but that's a post for another day. Today, I'm focusing on the exercise component.

I rarely have clients do traditional crunches anymore, instead I use Planks, Mountain Climbers, Spiderman Climbs, etc. Heck, I think the Pushup is superior to the standard Ab Crunch for working the abs.

If you're looking for a great exercise program focusing on abs, you need to check out Men's Health expert, Craig Ballantyne's new CRUNCH-FREE Home Abdominal Workout program. No need for gym equipment, every exercise can be done in your home.

If you have any interest in dropping belly fat, I suggest you take a look right away. Craig's has a special offer with lots of extras for the release of this new workout. And, if you're one of the first 100 men and women who take action, he'll include ADDITIONAL bonuses worth $59.

If you think you can't get great abs without doing crunches, just take a look at Craig's picture (with his cute Chocolate Lab) on his website.

So, save time and money by grabbing your copy today. But hurry, this Special Offer expires and VANISHES - Poof, just like your belly fat will - at midnight on July 23rd.

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