Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Reminder: Save $20 on Body & Soul's Enrollment Fee

Are you…

...full of energy?
...maintaining a healthy body weight?
...confident and self assured?
...in good health?

Or are you…

...frustrated by clothes that don’t fit?
...hesitant to participate in activities for fear you can’t keep up or won’t fit in seats?
...artificially fueled with mega doses of caffeine?
...too unhealthy or overweight to be active with your kids or grandkids, go for a nice walk, or enjoy favorite hobbies or retirement?

I am far from the Discount Diva and I rarely run specials. I am very confident that the value of a Body & Soul membership will match or exceed that of any other gym in the area. That being said, to encourage women not to wait until the new year to join, I am offering a $20 discount on Body & Soul's enrollment fee through November.

Don't wait until January to drop fat, improve your health and lower your disease risk. There are still over 6 weeks until New Year's. Begin now and be the one getting all the compliments at holiday parties.

If you or anyone you know is thinking about joining Body & Soul Fitness Studio, now is the time. Starting now will give new members a head start on their health and fat loss goals. Exercising through the holidays will reduce stress and help with weight management. And, in January, when others are just getting started, you will already be enjoying the results of your program.

Exercise is not one-size-fits-all. Included in your $59 enrollment fee (regularly $79) is a personalized workout program and 2 one-on-one personal training sessions to go through it.

Nothing will change until you take action but all exercise is not equal. Don’t waste your time on outdated, ineffective workouts. Call Mickey today at (717) 509-7777 to save $20 and to find out how the right fitness program, designed specifically for you, can change your life.

This offer expires November 30th.

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