Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Shape Up for The Holidays!

Exclusive 4-Week Small Group Personal Training Program

Look and feel better by the holidays!

Most people will throw caution to the wind and find themselves heavier on New Year’s than they are today.

Don’t follow the crowd and wait until January to reshape your body and get healthier. Begin now and you can be the one getting all the compliments at holiday parties.

Body & Soul Fitness Studio in Lancaster is offering a 4-week small group personal training program. Beginning November 25th, we will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 – 10:00 AM.

This program is limited to 4 women who are serious about losing body fat and reshaping their bodies. If you believe in the promises of magic pills, no-effort workouts or eating all the junk you want and still losing weight, please ignore this post. If you want to look and feel better by the holidays and are ready to work for it, call Mickey today at (717) 509-7777 to reserve your spot.

The small group setting will provide social support and accountability, which are huge components of weight loss. At the same time, you'll get top notch instruction, insuring that you're performing each exercise correctly for maximum benefit.

Nothing will change until you take action but all exercise is not equal. Don’t waste your time on outdated, ineffective workouts. For just $199, you’ll get two challenging, fat-blasting, total body workouts per week. Remember, this program is limited to just 4 women so call me today to sign up.

Will you be excited about how you look and feel on New Year's day or will you be making resolutions about getting in shape and kicking yourself for missing this opportunity?


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