Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Better Choice: Olive Oil or Nuts?

We’ve all heard about the health benefits of olive oil. Nuts, too, are chock full of health benefits but many people fear the calories. However, the well known Nurses Study showed that those who ate nuts frequently were actually a little thinner than those who almost never consumed nuts.

Another study found that people on a Mediterranean-style diet, who added an extra ounce of nuts (about 20 almonds, 18 Cashews or 14 walnut halves) had a lower incidence of metabolic syndrome compared with those who ate the same diet but instead added 4 to 5 ounces more of olive oil every day. (Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of medical conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.)

The best choice? Incorporate both nuts and olive oil into a healthy nutrition program.

Here's a cool chart that shows the nutrients in various nuts:

Nutrients in One Ounce of Tree Nuts and Peanuts

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