Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bootcamp Sounds Scary, I Could Never Do That!

Lately I've had some people tell me that the term "bootcamp" is intimidating.

Before I started No Pink Dumbbells Bootcamp, I went back and forth about using the word. For one, it seemed disrespectful to the military. Second, I, too, thought it might scare some people.

On the other hand, I thought the word bootcamp would indicate that we'd be using a lot of bodyweight exercises and that the workouts would be challenging. And, since bootcamp training is becoming more prevalent, I thought it was more descriptive than calling it small group personal training.

Anyway, whatever the name, don't be scared. If a sedentary 56 year old woman who had a horrible gym experience just one year earlier can do it, so can you. You can read about Becky's "adventure" with Big Box Fitness here ==> Why A Big Box Gym May Not Be Right For You, Part 1

At the end of this blog post you can read what happened when she tried out No Pink Dumbbells.

I always stress to people that participating in bootcamp is not about how much you do in comparison to someone else; it's about how much you challenge yourself that matters. If the fittest person in the room can run rings around others but doesn't push themselves and the out-of-shape person does, the out-of-shape person will get much more benefit from the workouts.

Let me be clear, this type of training is not for everyone. If you're a whiner or if you don't like to work hard, sweat and/or breath heavily, bootcamp is definitely not for you but...

* If you want fast results and are willing to challenge yourself to get them
* If you're ready to dump the excuses and commit to a healthier lifestyle
* If you want the support and accountability of a group

Try bootcamp. Many bootcamps will let you come to one or more free sessions before you sign up.

Becky's No Pink Dumbbells Experience

The story begins here ==> Becky's Big Box Fitness Adventure

A year passed with no real exercise. Then in the beginning of July, 2009, a friend from work said, "come on, you're coming with me to Body Bootcamp". I said ok, Now, one might think I'm nuts, after hearing about my last experience, but, this was the BEST fitness and exercise decision I ever made!!!

Mickey reviewed my history with me, and we discussed my goals. During boot camp, she would tell me "do what you can". She is right there to make sure we are doing the exercises correctly, so we get the maximum benefit, and so we don't injure ourselves.

Mickey pushes us to reach our potential. Within the group, there is support, encouragement, and camaraderie. After completing the circuit, many times one of us will say, "come on, one more time" and Mickey will smile.

I feel so motivated, and amazed at what I have accomplished in such a short time. Oh, there was soreness initially, but I worked through it. I actually look forward to going to Boot Camp, no excuses! I have energy and stamina, long forgotten! Thanks to my husband's support, my friend Vicki's persistence, and Mickey's instruction, I can honestly say I am proud of myself!

If you're in Lancaster, PA and are interested in group training, give me a call at (717) 509-7777.


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