Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's World Vegetarian Day - Save Big On Easy Veggie Meal Plans

About 2 months ago, Craig Ballantyne, creator of Turbulence Training, and Kardena Pauza launched Easy Veggie Meal Plans. I sent out an e-mail to my list to let them know they could download some free meal plans courtesy of Craig and Kardena, and was surprised at the amount of interest.

Anyway, today is "World Vegetarian Day" and it marks the start of Vegetarian Month.

To celebrate, Craig and Kardena are having a very limited time 50% Off Sale on the Easy Veggie Meal Plans.

You can check it out here ==> Easy Veggie Meal Plans.

If you're interested in losing weight, you should take a look at this program. Kardena herself lost weight when she switched to a vegetarian lifestyle (you can see the photo on the website) and this is what one of one her Easy Veggie Meal Plan customers had to say...

"I have 2 little kids, but thanks to Kardena I weigh almost the same weight as I did on her wedding day which was over 8 years ago. I am SO EXCITED! Since going on the Easy Veggie Meal Plans I've lost over 13 pounds of fat. The last 10-15 pounds is always the hardest to get off as you know, but I've done it!"

Jeegisha, Irvine, California

If you're interested, please hurry, the half-price Easy Veggie Meal Plans celebration discount ends Friday, October 2nd at 11:59 PM.

Click here to get started => Easy Veggie Meal Plans.

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