Friday, April 23, 2010

Confused By All The Conflicting Diet Info Out There?

Are you confused by all the weight loss info out there? Especially when so much of it conflicts?

I get a lot of questions about diets. Some people definitely are looking for a quick fix but it also seems like a lot of people are convinced that eating for fat loss has to be complicated.

I don't think so and neither does Craig Ballantyne. Craig is the creator of Turbulence Training and he has helped thousands of women and men shed tons of body fat. We agree that eating whole, natural foods (as few processed foods as possible) is the best diet for fat loss.

Craig, himself, is a great example. He's 5'9", 180.5 pounds and 9-10% body fat.

Craig's in such great shape that GQ magazine used one of his photos for a sketch they printed in their April, 2010 issue. It's on page 66 and there is no denying that's CB, even though they never asked permission to use his likeness.

Decide for yourself...

The fact is CB stays at 9-10% body fat all year round. He eats tons of carbs and enjoys every meal he eats. He doesn't believe in restrictive diets because they cause people to binge eat on weekends.

Anyway, due to popular demand Craig is now offering his own complete (but super cheap) nutrition program, aptly named Simple Nutrition. It includes 31 blender drinks, smoothies and post-workout shakes. (Actually, the title says 31 but there are 43 recipes in there and there are more to come.)

Here's CB's Simple Nutrition program that so many have been asking for: Nutrition

If you're sick and tired of confusing carb-restriction diets that leave you starving and still stuck with stubborn belly fat, then I recommend you check it out.

But be warned...this program is not...

- "low carb" or "obsessively high protein"
- confusing or complex or crazy
- restrictive (you'll actually be full & satisfied!)

It's not your fault that you're confused about this whole fat loss diet thing. Lots of "experts" are making big bucks with diet books. Problem is the vast majority of those experts would never get published if they didn't promote something different, a gimmick of some kind.

And if they're not hawking a new diet, someone's trying to sell you special food or fat blocking pills or special shakes.

But Craig Ballantyne doesn't have any supplements to sell you, or any hidden agenda.

And it doesn't have to be complicated.

Craig's goal is to help you simplify your fat loss nutrition program so that it's easy (and delicious) to follow. His program will give you proven fat loss advice (his recommendations are backed by clinical scientific research) and also take the stress out of eating.

So, if you're tired of overly complicated and restrictive nutrition plans, get ready to discover...

- The Simple Nutrition Rules for fat loss
- The top 3 food myths that everyone gets wrong in their diet
- The 7-step detox diet plan (that doesn't require a zany detox diet)
- Craig's grocery list and meal plan
- 43 blender drink, smoothie, and post-workout recipes

(NOTE: CB will also be adding more recipes every couple of months, and he'll send you the updated recipe book for free every time he does!)

And one last thing, your results are guaranteed by Craig's 100% money back promise. And no matter what, you'll get to keep the recipes & you'll still get all of the future recipe updates.

So go here to get the Simple Nutrition System & Fat Loss Recipes ==> Nutrition

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