Sunday, March 27, 2011

From The Raving Fans Dept. - Body & Soul Fitness

Wendy Ellis, Member since 2006

"I joined Body & Soul Fitness Studio after the triple whammy of quitting smoking / turning 40 / taking a medication with weight gain as a side-effect. I had very low energy, low self-esteem, and I was anxious and grumpy. I had never, ever exercised.

I knew that exercise had all sorts of 'benefits' beyond weight loss, and I also knew I would need a trainer and a certain type of gym. Every couple of weeks, I go through a new program training with Mickey and move my fitness level up a notch. I've lost weight, lost 4 pants sizes and have the energy I thought I'd never find again. My exercise partners are an engaging group of smart, funny women who care about taking good care of themselves."


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