Friday, November 23, 2012

The Best Metabolic Workout Plan - Craig Ballantyne

Best Metabolic Workout Plan
By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS

The latest Men's Health magazine contained a shocking research study stat.

According to the article, you can boost your sleeping metabolic rate by 8 percent more than normal IF you workout with heavier weights.

That adds up to over 5 pounds per year...and it's why I'm a big fan of creating intense Turbulence Training workouts for BOTH men and women for rapid fat loss.

If you don't challenge yourself with exercises in the 6-8 rep range then you're leaving your metabolic burn boost benefit on the table.

Don't make that mistake.

To get maximum results, you need to use a fat loss workout system like this:

Step #1 - Bodyweight Warm-up

Step #2 - Metabolic Resistance Training (sets of 8 reps)

Step #3 - Metabolic Conditioning Training (higher reps) or Intervals

Let's say you only had 20 minutes to workout.

You could do this 20-minute metabolic boosting TT workout:

MRT: Metabolic Resistance Training
- 8 reps per exercise (per side, if applicable)
- No rest between exercises
- 60 second rest at the end of the circuit
- Repeat for 3 rounds

1A) Goblet Squat or Narrow-Stance Barbell Squat
1B) DB Row or TRX Rows
1C) DB Incline Press or Decline Spiderman Pushups (try with TRX)
1D) Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat

Take a 2 minute break and then move on to MCT.

MCT: Metabolic Conditioning Training
- 40 seconds per exercise (per side, if applicable)
- Rest 20 seconds between exercises
- Repeat for 6 minutes straight

2A) Kettlebell Swings
2B) DB Lunge or Prisoner Lunge
2C) Elevated Pushups (switch sides after 20 seconds) or TRX Rows

That's it, short and metabolically-boosting-calorie-burning sweet.

If you liked that, you'll love the complete Metabolic Workouts package and Bodyweight Bonuses that you'll get in the Turbulence Training Black Friday Sale.

This is the best Black Friday sale that you're going to get anywhere at anytime, and you don't have to camp out all night at Wal-Mart to do so.

Grab all 13 classic TT Workouts for 93% off the regular price.

There's never been a deal like this before, AND you get access to all the TT Metabolic Resistance Training fat burning workouts.

The complete package includes:

1) The Bodyweight Cardio Pack
2) TT MRT 1.0 and TT MRT 2.0 (2 of the most popular TT workouts)
3) TT for Beginners and Total Torso Training
4) TT Thermogenic-30 (The 2012 Workout of the Year)

This is a very limited time offer so check it out now ==> Turbulence Training Black Friday Sale.

I’ve offered some pretty good deals in the past, I know, but NEVER have you been able to get this many TT workouts, with this much variety, for this low of a price. NEVER.


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