Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New Workout Study: Bodyweight Exercises Better Than Cardio

If you're a regular reader, you know I recommend Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training. Besides being a great trainer, Craig is kind of a research geek. Each week he scours hundreds of magazines, websites, videos, scientific research papers, hard copy books, and even university textbooks to uncover new ways of training to add to his TT workouts.

Recently Craig came across one NEW workout-boosting trick that is a GAME CHANGER for fat loss. Not only does it make your future fat burning workouts and bodyweight exercises even more effective, it does so in just minutes per workout.

From Craig:

Can 4 minutes of bodyweight exercises (like burpees) work just as well as traditional 30-minute cardio workouts?

Researchers from Queen's University say it can...

In their study, published in "Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism", the scientists had 22 college-aged women do 4 workouts per week for 4 weeks, splitting them into one of three groups:

Group A did 30 minutes of treadmill running at 85% max heart rate.

Group B did 8 rounds of 20 seconds of a single exercise (burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, or squat thrusts) with 10 seconds of rest between rounds, for a total of 4 minutes.

Group C did nothing (they were the non-training control group).

Here were their shocking results...

Despite training just 1/7th of the time, Group B increased their aerobic fitness levels by the SAME amount (about 7-8%) as Group A.

That's right... even the short, intense, bodyweight workouts were equally as effective as 30 minutes of boring cardio.

Now here's where the study gets interesting...

First, Group B was the only group to INCREASE their muscular endurance in common exercises like chest presses, leg extensions, sit-ups, and push-ups.

Second, these unconventional bodyweight workouts resulted in members of Group B reporting GREATER overall workout enjoyment.

And that was just from one 4-minute blast of bodyweight exercises.

I know you'll get TRIPLE the results, or more, when you use the Turbulence Training versions of the system ... not to mention these workouts can be done from ANYWHERE you want.

Click here to get the complete TT 20-10 Bodyweight Revolution program Special Holiday Deal

Mickey here again. If you're at all interested in effective, time saving, fat burning workouts, don't wait to check this out. This offer ends tomorrow. 

Here's that link again ==> TT 20-10 Bodyweight Revolution

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