If your budget is tight, you can also find last year's recommendations, all for less than $30 here ==> Holiday Gifts For Your Favorite Fitness Buff
Gym Membership
If you know what someone is looking for in a fitness center, you could get them a membership or take care of their enrollment fee. Be careful though because this option can be tricky too. If the intended receiver hates crowds, don't sign them up for a gym with thousands of members. If the gift is for a woman who is intimidated by muscleheads, don't enroll her at the place where all the bodybuilders lift. If she'd prefer a women-only facility and lives or works in Lancaster, check out Body & Soul Fitness Studio.
Ironmaster Quick Lock Adjustable Dumbbell System
If you are buying for someone who wants to work out at home and doesn't have the space or the resources for a fully equipped dumbbells rack, consider the Ironmaster Quick Lock Adjustable Dumbbell System. It adjusts from 5-75 pounds, in 2 1/2 lb increments, and gets glowing reviews.
These adjustable dumbbells are not cheap but I hesitate to recommend other brands due to numerous complaints about them coming apart. Safety is paramount when you're lifting weighted objects over your body.
Ironmaster 75 lb Quick Lock Adjustable Dumbbell System
Turbulence Training
Looking for an exercise program for someone who wants to exercise at home, needs some guidance and doesn't have hours to spend exercising? Check out Craig Ballntyne's Turbulence Training.
Turbulence Training spells it out, workout by workout, exercise by exercise, set by set, and rep by rep, for a full 16-weeks of advanced fat loss workouts. Plus, the program also includes additional beginner workouts that will help any newcomer get started on their fat loss plan.
Craig is a fat-loss expert and has his fat-burning workouts have been published in national magazines such as Men's Health, Women's Health, Oxygen, Prevention and Men's Fitness, along with online newsletters EarlyToRise and Total Health Breakthroughs. You've probably come across his videos on YouTube and Men's Health, as well.
Turbulence Training workouts are so much more efficient and effective than what the majority of people are doing. Craig's fat loss philosophy is backed up by research, including his cardio workouts that are far superior to the common long, slow cardio workouts that too many people are doing (unsuccessfully, I might add).
Read more here ==> Turbulence Training
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